Supported by dozens of scientific studies and upheld by stringent production and quality control measures, SoyPlus® has earned a reputation for providing consistent, quality results.

Balancing Protein and Amino Acids in Dairy Diets
SoyPlus® is manufactured using an all-natural, mechanical expeller process.
Beyond Bypass
Meeting the metabolizable needs of the high-producing cow is a ration-formulating challenge. There is a maximum limit on the amount of degradable protein that can be used by ruminal microbes to synthesize metabolizable protein for the cow.
Too much of the protein you feed your herd may be breaking down in the rumen, and you need to replace some degradable protein with some bypass protein. By limiting protein breakdown in the rumen and providing a desirable profile of amino acids in the bypass portion, you may be able to lower total crude protein in the ration and thereby reduce total feed costs. With SoyPlus®, bypass proteins deliver the amino acids cows need to achieve a higher performance, saving money and increasing the efficiency of your herd.
Benefits of SoyPlus
Universities have trusted SoyPlus® in more than 180 published trials over more than 30 years to provide a desirable amino acid profile, high intestinal digestibility and reliable RUP values. With more than 400 different monitoring points, SoyPlus proteins consistently achieve maximum rumen bypass and 93% intestinal digestibility, lot after lot and year after year.
In the manufacturing of plant-based bypass proteins, the increases in the rumen bypass characteristics can sometimes result in decreased intestinal digestibility of the bypass portion. The SoyPlus manufacturing process is designed to optimize the relationship between ruminal bypass and intestinal digestibility.
Years of university research and third-party laboratory testing verify that both the ruminal bypass and intestinal digestibility of the proteins in SoyPlus have been maximized.
SoyPlus is higher in energy than solvent extracted products. SoyPlus contains essential fatty acids which can replace some of the supplemental fat sources that may be added separately to the ration. With a fat percentage of roughly 6%, SoyPlus provides higher energy content than solvent-extracted products providing average fat of 1-2%.
Even the small portion of protein that is ruminally degradable still makes valuable contributions to the metabolizable protein supply to the animal.
The rumen degradable protein in SoyPlus exists as both quickly-metabolized soluble protein and more slowly degraded proteins to provide a steady supply of nitrogen necessary for sustained ruminal microbial protein synthesis. SoyPlus contains a good mix of sugars, starches, and highly digestible soluble fiber. Together, the degradable protein and energy sources drive rumen microbial growth and enhance rumen microbial digestion of the entire ration.
SoyPlus has a pleasant roasted aroma. The higher fat content contributes flavor and dust control resulting in high dry matter intake and more milk production.
Cows love it!
Unlike solvent extracted soybean meal, some of which is made with hexane, SoyPlus is made without added chemicals. It is entirely plant derived.
Our soybeans are cracked, heated, and squeezed. This removes much of the oil while increasing the RUP content and preserving the integrity of the raw ingredient.
Your decision on which protein products will best supply the metabolizable protein and essential amino acids your cows need while supplying energy and supporting microbial protein production should be based on a review of controlled research data. SoyPlus has been extensively researched at major universities throughout the USA. Using SoyPlus to balance degradable and undegradable protein ratios and supply limiting amino acids allows for lower total protein diets to reduce feed costs while maintaining or improving milk production and components.
Consistency in feed ingredients matters, and the rigorous testing applied to SoyPlus ensures that what we claim our product to be is what you actually get. SoyPlus is routinely subjected to not just one, but two protein analytical procedures. The RUP content is verified via ongoing in situ testing as well as being subjected to additional evaluation using the “Ross” in vitro method. SoyPlus is ISO and HACCP certified.